How well does the Idea of “Community” relate to Confucianism?

Beginning of the article Le mot « communauté » (she qun ; 社群) a été largement utilisé dans le chinois moderne. Dans le milieu universitaire, la notion est invoquée en sociologie aussi bien qu’en philosophie politique, où le concept de « communautarisme » a été largement étudié et discuté comme un exemple typique de problématique confucéenne. La compréhension et la … Continue reading How well does the Idea of “Community” relate to Confucianism?

Discovering Economics in Chinese Philosophy: Intellectual Searches of the 1910s-1930s

Beginning of the article The path of intellectual exploration of issues in the relationship between philosophy and economics started in China from the 1910s till the mid-1930s. During the Republican period a group of Chinese scholars with Western educational background attempted to find in the ancient Chinese philosophical thought the ideas that correspond to the … Continue reading Discovering Economics in Chinese Philosophy: Intellectual Searches of the 1910s-1930s