Submit an article


  • The Review publishes texts in English as well as in French.
  • Submitted manuscripts must be original: they must not have been published anywhere else before, nor have been submitted for publication to any other journal.
  • The Author(s) agree(s) not to pre-publish the text that is submitted or accepted for publication by any other means, including any electronic publishing system. Announcing publication is permitted once the official letter of acceptance has been sent by the Editorial office, and no more than 10% of the accepted article may ever be thus distributed. Violation of these rules may result in the Editorial office cancelling acceptance of the text (in which case, it will be indicated by the Editorial office to the author(s) via postal or electronic mail).
  • The journal cannot be held responsible for the loss of article that has been submitted.
  • The article must be submitted in Word format to the journal, in an anonymous version.
  • Submissions should be sent to with a copy to the editors: Emmanuel Picavet ( and Gilles Campagnolo (
  • Upon receiving an article for submission, the Editorial office gives confirmation of reception sent by email to the Author(s).
  • Each submission, when deemed relevant by the Editors, is subject to a double-blind review process by a member of the Editorial Board or reading committee and at least one outside referee as well.
  • The reading committee is composed of the Editors, Associate editors and the Scientific committee. The list of the members appears in the Review as well as on its Website.
  • Full responsibility for their writings remains with their Authors, not the Review.
  • After publication, a PDF file of the will be sent to the Author(s).
  • After publication, if the Author(s) wish(es) to republish the text in another outlet, after a delay determined by the Review, the Author(s) must ask permission to do so and thoroughly quote the complete references of the first publication in the Review.


  • The first page of the article must contain the following indications: the original title; an abstract in French and an abstract in English (about 300-400 characters); a list of 5 keywords (maximum), in French and in English indicating the content of the article; the J.E.L. classification.
  • The main divisions and chapter headings must be clearly indicated.
  • The entire article (including references) should be between 52,000 and 70,000 characters (including spaces). Longer submitted texts may be accepted upon special acceptance by the Editorial Board.
  • Citations should be enclosed in quotation marks. Longer citations (over 100 words) should be indented in the text.
  • Tables, illustrations, graphs and maps must be clearly presented in .jpg or .pdf format (300 dpi).
  • If the Author(s) borrow(s) material from other publishers, the Author(s) must request permission to do so, to reproduce this material and they must specify the source.
  • The publisher will request the source files from the author at the end of the review process.
  • Terms from languages other than English should be italicized. Quotations should be translated from the original language into English by the Author(s).

Notes and References

  • Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered from 1 to …x continuously throughout the document.
  • In the body of the text or in a note, bibliographic references must be incorporated with the author’s name, the date of publication in parentheses and the pagination where it applies.
    • Example: “…but not just or unjust” (Hayek 1982, 37-38).
  • The complete references should be put in alphabetical order of the name of the authors referred to, at the end of the article. The rules regarding bibliographic references correspond to those set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style.
  • In the bibliography, all the references cited in the text must be present (and only those):
    • For books, give the author’s name (in small caps), first name or initials, year of publication (and, possibly, year of first publication put in square brackets), title (italicized), place of publication, and publisher (separated by a colon).
      • Examples:
        Rawls J., 1987 [1971]. Théorie de la justice, Paris: Seuil.
    • For articles from a journal, indicate the author’s name (in small capitals), the first name or initials, the year of publication, the title of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the journal (in italics), the number where the article appears, the pagination (separated by a colon).
      • Example: Fukuyama F., 1989. “La fin de l’histoire ?”, Commentaire, n°47: 457-469.
    • For articles taken from a book, indicate the author’s name (in small capitals), the first name or initials, the year of publication, the title of the chapter (in English quotation marks). In the title of the work (in italics), the director of the work, pagination (without pp.), place of publication, the publisher (separated by a colon).
      • Example: Mongin P., d’Aspremont C., 1998 “Utility Theory and Ethics”. Dans S. Barbera, P. Hammond, C. Seidl (eds), Handbook of Utility Theory, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press.


The Review publishes texts in English as well as in French.

Articles will highlight the interest of the book for the audience of the review, put into perspective the problematic and the main ideas of the book, set the contribution in relation to the literature.

The entire article should be around 40,000 characters including spaces.