Table of Contents

Introduction: Norms and normativity in economy
Antoinette Baujard, Judith Favereau, Charles Girard
Pages 3 to 18
Inequalities, social justice and the web of social interactions
Marc Fleurbaey
Pages 19 to 63
The distributive liberal social contract as definite norm of communicative action: A characterization through the Nash social welfare function
Jean Mercier-Ythier
Pages 65 to 93
Notes on economics imperialism and norms of scientific inquiry
Uskali Mäki
Pages 95 to 127
Neo-Samuelsonian Welfare Economics: From Economic to Normative Agency
Cyril Hédoin
Pages 129 to 161
Critique of Mainstream Austrian Economics in the Spirit of Carl Menger. Antal Fekete (Pintax cvba, 2017)
Antoine Gentier
Pages 163 to 176
Dictionnaire des biens communs, Marie Cornu, Fabienne Orsi, Judith Rochfeld (dir.) (Paris, PUF, 2017)
Riccardo Rezzesi
Pages 177 to 185
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