Abstract Economic philosophy explores the conditions and limits of economic theory, the development of which implies an accelerated increase in complexity (which is the very definition of ’complexity’). Its first manifestations were the second theorem on general equilibrium, and the impossibility theorems on collective choice, as well as the public goods dilemma. For sure, it … Continue reading Economic philosophy and complexity
Tag: Complexity
Vers des lumières hayékiennes. De la critique du rationalisme constructiviste à un nouveau rationalisme critique
This paper upholds the thesis that contemporary modelling of complex cognitive, economic, and social systems vindicates Hayek’s conception of modernity and justifies the apparent conservatism of his liberalism. It changes so drastically our conception of rationality that it allows us to overcome Hayek’s criticism of rational constructivism and to work out a new form of critical rationalism. It is now possible to speak of an Hayekian Enlightenment and to conceive of his liberalism as a new Aufklärung.