Abstract This paper argues that Humean causal successionism, which has been the principal target for critique by Bhaskar’s Critical Realism, remains very present in the concept of “mechanism” itself. It is argued that the concept of mechanism implies a Newtonian abstraction of time which is uninspected within Critical Realism. However, this is a broader problem … Continue reading Time, Mechanisms and Technology: Challenges of Abstraction and Decision in Realist Economic Theory
Tag: abstraction
Capital read by Moishe Postone: Alchemy or astrology?
Abstract Moishe Postone’s book Time, Work and Social Domination (Postone 1993), is meant to be a Hegelian interpretation of Marx’s Capital. Capital is the great subject that moves itself under the impulse of value. Its “movement” is related not to class relations, nor to the market, which is supposedly external to labor, but to the temporal constraint inherent in … Continue reading Capital read by Moishe Postone: Alchemy or astrology?