N°9/1 (2008) – Workplace Democracy

Table of Contents


Axel Gosseries and Grégory Ponthière
Pages 3-9


Against the Parallel Case for Workplace Democracy
Claudio López-Guerra

Pages 11-28

Three Rawlsian Routes towards Economic Democracy
Martin O’Neill

Pages 29-56

Workplace Democracy, Workplace Republicanism, and Economic Democracy. Workplace Democracy: Why Not?
Nien-Hê Hsieh

Pages 57-78

La démocratie d’entreprise est-elle désirable ? Le point de vue de l’observateur impartial
Grégory Ponthière

Pages 79-102

Workplace Democracy as a Public Good
Marc Fleurbaey

Pages 103-1xx

This issue comes from a seminary organizd by the Hoover Chaire of economic and social ethics (Louvain University) and sponsored by the Emile Bernheim Foundation.