Table of Contents
Thrift as a Virtue, historically criticized
Deirdre Mc Closkey
Pages 3-32
Problem of Creativity: Distinguish Technological Action and Cognitive Action
Elias L. Khalil
Pages 33-70
Matérialisme historique, théorie de la valeur et organisation responsable chez Marx.
Richard Sobel
Pages 71-98
Libre pensée du travail et organisation responsable. Ce que nous apprend la philosophie de Simone Weil
Christine Noël et Séverine Le Loarne
Pages 99-121
Books Reviews
Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy: A historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture, Jerry Evensky (Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Patrick Hanley
Pages 123-128
Speaking of Economics: how to Get in the Conversation, Arjo Klamer (Routledge, 2007)
Steven G. Medema
Pages 129-1xx