2019/2 (Vol. 20) – Varia

Vanity, Pride and Self-Deceit: Excessive Self-esteem in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments
Benoît Walraevens
Pages 3-40

On the opposition between care and theories of justice: lessons of fair trade
Jérôme Ballet, Emmanuel Petit and Delphine Pouchain
Pages 41-68

Is the principle of corporate subsidiarity deceptive?
Bernard Guéry
Pages 69-104

Between the coerced and capable individual: the responsibility of the social entrepreneur. Elements for a phenomenological reflection
Didier Chabanet and Emmanuel d’Hombres
Pages 105-130

What thou liv’st, live well
Pecchenino Rowena Ann

Pages 131-156

On the ethical foundations of Marx’s critique of capitalism
Fabien Tarrit
Pages 157-180

Concerning the meaning of agent-based models with complex interactions in economics
Denis Phan
Pages 181-218

Paths for Economic Philosophy

Economic Methodology In The Twenty-First Century (So Far): Some Post-Reflection Reflections
Wade Hands
Pages 221-250

Book Reviews

Comprendre nos interactions sociales. Une perspective neuroéconomique, Christian Schmidt and Pierre Livet (Paris, Odile Jacob, 2014)
Sabrina Abib
Pages 253-260

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