2009/2 (Vol. 10.) – Ethical Challenges in the Economy of Healthcare


Knowledge, Communication and the Scottish Enlightenment
Sheila Dow

Page 3 to 23

Reconciling the Formal and the Causal: The Role of the Neuroeconomy
Benoit Hardy-Vallee and Benoît Dubreuil
Page 25 to 46

Consent, Contestability, and Employer Authority
Lars Lindblom
Page 47 to 79

Long-Term Developments in Human Labor and Their Political Implications
Christian Cordes
Page 81 to 108

Book Reviews

Essais, Introduction by Michèle Cangiani and Jérôme Maucourant, Karl Polanyi (Paris: Seuil, 2008)
Bénédicte Zimmermann
Page 109 to 114

Économie de la justice et de l’équité, Valérie Clément, Christine Le Clainche and Daniel Serra (Paris: Economica, 2008)
Geert Demuijnck
Page 115 to 120

Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy. Lessons from Medieval Trade, Avner Greif (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006)
Cyril Hédoin
Page 121 to 125

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